We involve children in the preparation and serving snack in their groups which supports independence and self-help skills along with a sense of belonging. The children regularly participate in cookery activities throughout the week. The lunchtime meals are provided by a catering company who specialise in providing nutritious, balanced meals for children and the kitchen is overseen and supervised by the manager and the admin assistant. All staff who are responsible for preparing food have the relevant food safety and allergens training.
Nursery lunches will follow a healthy balanced rolling menu (4 weekly), we have a summer and winter menu. These are reviewed and updated regularly by our manager and admin assistant who understand the nutritional needs of young children.
We have snack at 9:30am, lunch at 11:45am
Refreshment at 2:15pm and tea at 4:00pm.
Examples of menus…
Water is available all day.
Snack 9:30 AM – Fresh fruit platter. Fresh milk/oat milk
Lunch 11:45 AM – Shepherds pie & fresh vegetables or a vegetarian option quorn mince and vegetables. Chicken curry, rice & or a vegetarian option of quorn chicken and rice &. After we have desert which may be a fresh fruit platter, natural yoghurt with honey or jelly and ice-cream!
Refreshments 2:15 PM – Dried fruit platter and savoury snacks. Fresh milk/oat milk
Tea 4:00 PM – Scrambled egg & toast, tomato soup and wholemeal rolls, Cheese & tomato pizza and salad.
Individual dietary and cultural requirements will be catered for wherever possible and will be discussed and reviewed with parents regularly.
We have detailed information of all Food Allergens and can be viewed at any time on request.
We have 5 rating for our food & hygiene with food standards agency. To check out our rating please follow the link. Food standards agency.