Children who begin their education in a learning environment that is vibrant, purposeful, challenging and supportive stand the best chance of developing into confident and successful learners. Effective learning environments are created over time as the result of practitioners and parents working together, thinking and talking about children’s learning and planning how to promote it.
We plan to use activities more than once during the course of the week, to enable all children to have the opportunity to take part, including those who attend only for a limited number of sessions. We encourage children of all ages and stages of development to participate in the activities. The adult leading will adapt the activity to challenge each individual child.
All children will be respected and their individuality potential recognised, valued and nurtured. Activities and the use of play equipment offer children opportunities to develop in an environment free from prejudice and discrimination. Appropriate opportunities will be given to children to explore, acknowledge and value similarities and differences between themselves and others.
Resources will be chosen to give children a balanced view of the world and an appreciation of the rich diversity of our multi-racial society. Materials will be selected to help children develop their self-respect and to respect other people by avoiding stereotypes and derogatory pictures or messages about any group of people.
We use an online journal to track and record their development & achievements. Parents can log on at any time from a computer/tablet or mobile phone and are notified when an observation has been uploaded.
Children can experience a range of extra-curricular activities such as:
•Football/Tennis/Basketball/Rugby/Athletics and other sport training sessions from a professional coach which is alternated half termly.
•Weekly French lesson from a French tutor. Fun french including numbers, days, greetings, food. Learning through games and songs.
•Weekly dance lessons from a dance tutor. Our dance teacher Ruth teaches movement and dancing in small groups.
•Cookery activities. Our cookery activities are based on our learning topics.
•Music & movement. Children learn about different instruments, listen to various types of music and learn different moves.
•Speech and language This includes Silly Soup, Magic Bag, to promote language and communication skills
•Yoga. Children engage in simple exercises to help develop their physical skills.
•DOUGH DISCO. Fine motor movement is needed to promote early writing skills
•Nursery walks around the local area & surrounding fields and outdoor explorers based on Forest School teaching.